"Discover How Anyone Can Create A Professional Quality Streaming Website Audio In Minutes!"
The Impact Web Audio Wizard Creates Everything You Need To Add Streaming Audio And Background Loop Music To Your Website In Just 2½ Minutes... Or Less!
It is estimated that the average consumer is exposed to more than 3000 ads and commercial messages every single day. If you want to stand out from the crowd and have any chance of being heard above the noise you have to make an impact!
Studies have shown you have less than 10 seconds to grab the attention of your website visitors before they leave. You may not be able to choose what parts of your website your visitors read... But, if you are using audio you can be in complete control of what they hear.
Impact Web Audio uses the same "trick" that professional broadcastersand sound engineers use to take 'normal' voices and turn them into 'gold'!
So how do they do it? Simple, they add a background loop behind the voice track that masks all the imperfections, and makes them virtually disappear. That one simple, yet amazingly effective "trick" can dramatically improve the rhythm of your marketing message, and bring your audio to life.
Now look, this method of improving voice-based audio tracks has been used by the professionals for well over 50 years. But, until now it was nearly impossible for the average person to do. Until just recently, adding a background loop to your voice-based audio required specialized audio editing software, a wealth of technical knowledge, and even then, could easily cost you hours of your valuable time.
With all those obstacles to overcome, is it any wonder that so few marketers were using this deadly effective technique?
Benefits Of Adding Streaming Audio To Your Website
Here are just some of the many benefits of adding streaming audio to your website...
Increase Your Number Of Subscribers - Web audio can be used to lead your visitors by the hand into submitting their details and confirming their request for information.
Maximize 'Social Proof' With Audio Testimonials - It's a fact... Audio testimonials have a much greater impact than plain text testimonials!
Grab Your Visitor's Attention For Longer - Most visitors will only quickly scan your website before leaving. However, a compelling audio message can keep them captive for much longer!
Boost Your Credibility - Establishing your credibility online is much more difficult than offline. And, the more credibility you have the more sales you will make. You cannot meet your customers face to face... But, it helps a lot if they can at least 'hear' you!
Gain An Advantage Over Your Competitors - Streaming web audio is a very valuable marketing tool that can give you the edge over your competitors that you have been looking for.
Stand Out From The Crowd - The Internet can be a very crowded place, and is becoming more crowded every day! Being 'different' can separate you from the hard and attract much needed attention.
For more details click here
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